On Becoming Dauntless 


As I contemplated the “why” behind this journey I have been entrusted with, I had an immediate support system. Mine and Bryan’s families, immediately rallied behind us. It took a while longer for me to talk about it with friends, but when I did, I was flooded with support and love. 

When people would ask, “What can we do for you?”, the answer was always the same: prayers! I cannot even begin to express the gratitude I have for the many prayers I have felt along the way. I have had incredible amounts of peace overwhelm me as I found myself being scared, nervous, and unsure. These prayers were comforting and just what I needed to strengthen me during this journey.

I wanted the name of my blog to accurately describe my journey. I wanted it to embody my determination to stay strong. To be dauntless means that I would have to remain hopeful, brave, courageous, positive, optimistic, and (insert other solid attributes here).

In addition, I wanted the name to tell others about this journey. So… dAuNtless. The A and N stand for Acoustic Neuroma. The name of the small but mighty tumor that took up space in my head, remodeled a small part of my skull, invaded the space that housed 3 very important nerves: facial, balance, and auditory. It changed my life forever. I am determined to let it be a change that positively influences who I am and who I want to become. 

I want to inspire others during their journeys that are changing their lives. I want to help others realize that you can take something scary and make it something wonderful. I want people to know that they are NOT alone! There are so many wonderful people out there that are ready to support YOU. Some you don’t know and may never meet (other than on social media), but you will feel their love, support, and prayers. I want to support you. I want you to know that I love you and I will pray for you. 

There’s a team of supporters that are cheering for you. A mighty Father in Heaven, a loving brother Jesus Christ, and a comforter that is the Holy Ghost. They love and support you. They want you to fight! They want you to be dauntless. They want you to call on Them and ask for help. They are waiting for you and will wait as long as you need. They are your biggest supporters.  

Lean on Them. Lean on me. Lean on your team of supporters. 

You are loved. You are amazing. You are dauntless. ❤️

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